3 min Read

Diversity Lives Here

By Leslie Zeng – DDA Communications Canada Summer Jobs SFU Student

When you think of Canada, what do you think of? Maybe it’s maple syrup, hockey, or the cold – all of which we have an abundance of. Yet what is consistently mentioned is Canada’s renowned kindness.

As Canadians, we are proud to say we are kind. This exact kindness welcomes diversity into our culture. Nonetheless, being one of the most multicultural countries in the world, Canada’s diversity is at the forefront of who we are.

To celebrate this Canada Day, we’d like to focus your attention on the efforts of Canada and Canadians in creating a more diverse and inclusive society that is a beacon to the rest of the world.

  1. Youth for Human Rights Toronto: As the name describes, a youth-oriented initiative that hosts workshops and events about human rights that are centered on United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This non-profit focuses promoting advocacy for tolerance and peace.
  2. R.I.S.E (Reaching Intelligent souls Everywhere) Edutainment: A youth-led organization that empowers BIPOC youth, mainly in the Greater Toronto Area, to participate in creative self-expression. This organization focuses on directing them with platforms to learn leadership skills as well as to share their own talents. 
  1. National Indigenous Peoples Day: On June 21, Canada recognizes the Indigenous communities in celebration of their culture and heritage. The Government of Canada does so by funding celebratory events that promote and advocate for the Indigenous communities.
  2. Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC): A commission established as part of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. The TRC collects and documents survivor statements and testimonies about Indigenous children who attended the residential schools various Call to Actions have been implemented to foster reconciliation.  
  1. Accessible Canada Act (ACA): The ACA intends to make Canada barrier-free by 2040 by removing all barriers to accessibility with priority to areas of employment, built environments, information and communication technologies, transportation, and the procurement of goods, services and facilities. 
  2. Employment Equity Act: Aimed at promoting diversity and equality in workplace. This act prevents employment discrimination by removing barriers to employment experienced by women, Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities and members of visible minority.
  3. Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF): An initiative by the Government of Canada to provide funding to improve accessibility and safety for people with disabilities. This includes projects such as architect, transportation, and technologies.
  1. The Canadian Multiculturalism Act of 1988 formalized the country’s dedication to recognizing and promoting the cultural diversity of its citizens. This act ensures that all Canadians, regardless of their background, have the freedom to preserve, enhance, and share their cultural heritage.
  2. Canada is known for its welcoming policies and multiculturalism, attracting people from diverse backgrounds. Cities like Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal are prime examples of this diversity, where a multitude of languages are spoken, and various cultural festivals are celebrated throughout the year.
  3. In cities like Toronto, over 140 languages are spoken, reflecting the multicultural makeup of the population. Indigenous languages are also an essential part of Canada’s heritage, with efforts underway to preserve and revitalize these languages.

Canada’s diversity is its strength, a source of pride and unity. The country’s commitment to multiculturalism and inclusivity sets it apart as a model for other nations. By celebrating and embracing diversity, Canada continues to build a society where everyone, regardless of their background, can feel at home and contribute to the collective success of the nation. As we move forward, it is crucial to continue fostering a culture of respect, understanding, and inclusion. By doing so, we can ensure that Canada’s multicultural tapestry remains vibrant and resilient for generations to come.